At least 900 individuals have been provided with employment opportunities for 40 days in northern Jawzjan province.
Acting Minister of Interior Sirajuddin Haqqani says the rights of all individuals are safeguarded in the current system.
No one is allowed to impose punishment or torture on inmates says a senior prison official.
A senior official of the Ministry of Education (MoE) has stressed the improvement of modern and religious education quality in schools and seminaries.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has made significant progress in the technical and professional fields and currently 90000 people were engaged in training in 73 different technical and professional fields an official said on Wednesday.
قبلا هم اين مسله را ياد آوري كردم و تكرار مي نويسم كه يكي از دلايل پسماني مسلمانان و عقب افتادگي شان اين اســت كه كوشش نمي كنند تا به معيار جهان امروز
Daily Updated News On Afghanistan - Taliban News Afghan Women News Afghan Sports News Afghan refugee news etc.
The acting Head of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Mullah Nooruddin Turabi during a meeting with officials of the domestic and foreign miens clearing organisations said that security was established nationwide and it was time for the clearing of all mines a statement said on Wednesday.
A pen-making factory has begun operations in Maidan Shahr the capital of Maidan Wardak province at a cost of one million US dollars.
The National Disasters Management Authority (ANDMA) in cooperation with the International Organization for Migrants (IOM) have distributed cash and non-cash assistance to more than 400 families affected by disasters in Kabul.
Three people died and a fourth was injured in three separate traffic accidents in northern Faryab province an official said on Wednesday.
While expecting support from the government a number of female handicraft producers in central Daikundi province say they plan to switch to other alternative professions such as embroidery and tailoring due to lack of buyers.
The National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) says the volume of commercial goods exports and imports increased last month compared to the previous month.
At least 900 individuals have been provided with employment opportunities for 40 days in northern Jawzjan province.
At least 900 individuals have been provided with employment opportunities for 40 days in northern Jawzjan province.
Acting Minister of Interior Sirajuddin Haqqani says the rights of all individuals are safeguarded in the current system.
Acting Minister of Interior Sirajuddin Haqqani says the rights of all individuals are safeguarded in the current system.
No one is allowed to impose punishment or torture on inmates says a senior prison official.
A senior official of the Ministry of Education (MoE) has stressed the improvement of modern and religious education quality in schools and seminaries.
A senior official of the Ministry of Education (MoE) has stressed the improvement of modern and religious education quality in schools and seminaries.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has made significant progress in the technical and professional fields and currently 90000 people were engaged in training in 73 different technical and professional fields an official said on Wednesday.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has made significant progress in the technical and professional fields and currently 90000 people were engaged in training in 73 different technical and professional fields an official said on Wednesday.
قبلا هم اين مسله را ياد آوري كردم و تكرار مي نويسم كه يكي از دلايل پسماني مسلمانان و عقب افتادگي شان اين اســت كه كوشش نمي كنند تا به معيار جهان امروز
قبلا هم اين مسله را ياد آوري كردم و تكرار مي نويسم كه يكي از دلايل پسماني مسلمانان و عقب افتادگي شان اين اســت كه كوشش نمي كنند تا به معيار جهان امروز.
Daily Updated News On Afghanistan - Taliban News Afghan Women News Afghan Sports News Afghan refugee news etc.
The acting Head of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Mullah Nooruddin Turabi during a meeting with officials of the domestic and foreign miens clearing organisations said that security was established nationwide and it was time for the clearing of all mines a statement said on Wednesday.
The acting Head of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Mullah Nooruddin Turabi during a meeting with officials of the domestic and foreign miens clearing organisations said that security was established nationwide and it was time for the clearing of all mines a statement said on Wednesday.
A pen-making factory has begun operations in Maidan Shahr the capital of Maidan Wardak province at a cost of one million US dollars.
A pen-making factory has begun operations in Maidan Shahr the capital of Maidan Wardak province at a cost of one million US dollars.
The National Disasters Management Authority (ANDMA) in cooperation with the International Organization for Migrants (IOM) have distributed cash and non-cash assistance to more than 400 families affected by disasters in Kabul.
The National Disasters Management Authority (ANDMA) in cooperation with the International Organization for Migrants (IOM) have distributed cash and non-cash assistance to more than 400 families affected by disasters in Kabul.
Three people died and a fourth was injured in three separate traffic accidents in northern Faryab province an official said on Wednesday.
Three people died and a fourth was injured in three separate traffic accidents in northern Faryab province an official said on Wednesday.
While expecting support from the government a number of female handicraft producers in central Daikundi province say they plan to switch to other alternative professions such as embroidery and tailoring due to lack of buyers.
While expecting support from the government a number of female handicraft producers in central Daikundi province say they plan to switch to other alternative professions such as embroidery and tailoring due to lack of buyers.
The National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) says the volume of commercial goods exports and imports increased last month compared to the previous month.
The National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) says the volume of commercial goods exports and imports increased last month compared to the previous month.
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